ANZCCART Resources
ComPass Animal Welfare Training
This free online course covers the Australian Code and NZ Guide and welfare issues relating to animal use in research and teaching. Successful completion of Phase one of the course and its quiz fulfills the mandated basic training needs of researchers and teachers using animals as well as members of Animal Ethics Committees (AEC) in Australia and NZ (except AEC members in Victoria who are required to complete the Animal Welfare Victoria training).
The aim is to standardize and augment the training offered for animal users in research and teaching throughout Australasia by offering this free online interactive and resource-rich course to all who need this training. For the course link and more information.
ANZCCART (NZ) resources and best practice
Three Rs Resources
The Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) and the Ministry for Primary Industries have produced a series of booklets on the application of the three Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement) in the use of animals in research and teaching.
Cell-based Disease Models (replacement)
Computer Assisted Learning (replacement)
Mannequins and Dummies (replacement)
Alternatives to shellfish toxicity testing (replacement)
Fireflies to the rescue (reduction)
Mathematical models (reduction)
Tissue sharing (reduction)
Simple ingenuity (refinement)
Non-Invasive Methods (refinement)
Living syringes (refinement)
Oil emulsified gels (refinement)
Other resources
Animal research saves lives (publication)
What is ANZCCART? (flyer)
Download Three Rs poster (ANZCCART resource) (PDF, 6.7 MB, 1 page)
ANZCCART (Australia) resources and best practice
Publications and information available on the ANZCCART (AU) website on the use of animals in research, testing or teaching:
ANZCCART News (Australian website). You can sign up for the ANZCCART Newsletter here.